8 foods to boost testosterone (for women and men)
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8 foods to boost testosterone (for women and men)

JUN 21, 2023

Minute 1: Optimize your running technique for proper vertical oscillation

Is there such a thing as having too much “pep in your step” as you run? As much as we love plyometrics and vertical jumping exercises, it’s important to remember that proper form centers around efficient horizontal motion. We aren’t NBA players, after all, and that means any excess vertical oscillation should be avoided. If you’ve never heard that term before, you may want to ask: “What’s A Good Vertical Oscillation Running? + 5 Tips To Improve Yours.” Vertical oscillation (VO) is a measure of how much your torso moves up and down as you run, and generally, it should fall between 5-10 cm. Any higher than that, and you may be hurting your efficiency. High VO indicates that too much energy is being spent propelling your body upward, rather than forward for greater speed. It can also result in increased force on your joints and a higher risk of injury. VO below 5 cm could indicate too little flight time and too much ground contact, which can also slow you down. If you want to see the common causes of each problem, take a look at: “Optimizing Vertical Oscillation for better stride.” After diagnosing your problem, you can also try out some of these “14 useful exercises to minimize the vertical oscillation while running.”

Minute 2: Can you bike your way to marathon-ready shape?

Some amount of stress on the body is useful for preventing injury, as it adapts and strengthens to meet your workload, but there’s always a risk of pushing too far. Bones, tendons, and joints are all susceptible to overuse injuries. That’s why many runners turn to low-impact activity for cross training, and cycling is one of the most effective options, according to this new story: “Is Cycling Good For Marathon Training?” Working out on two wheels can help runners avoid an overuse injury while continuing to build aerobic capacity. In fact, one study found that marathoners who incorporated cycling into their training significantly improved their cardiovascular fitness compared to those who only ran. Not only that, but cycling can be an excellent recovery tool, since it’s easy to use at a low intensity level. Going for a slow and easy ride can promote blood flow, flush metabolic waste, and reduce muscle soreness. If you’re looking to cross train, whether via biking or another low impact activity, it’s important to remember that it’s not completely idiot-proof: “Cross-Training For Runners: The Do’s and Don'ts.” Other methods worth trying include hiking, walking, swimming, or elliptical machines. Ideally, this activity should feel like a fun change of pace, so a good rule of thumb is to choose an activity that you really enjoy.

Minute 3: Avoid dehydration on your long summer runs

We cross the summer solstice today by enjoying the longest daylight of the year. If your runs have also gotten longer with the warmer weather, you’ll want to pay extra attention to your hydration. Long runs paired with hot weather increase your body’s need for water intake significantly, so consider these: “5 tips to staying hydrated for long runs in hot weather.” The first step is to have adequate preparation, which means drinking a few extra glasses of water before your run. Pay attention to the time of day, since hot mid-afternoon outings will cause you to sweat the most. You can also come up with strategies to hydrate during your run, like planning a route that includes a drinking fountain or other source of water along the way. You should familiarize yourself with these: “5 Signs That You Are Dehydrated – A Guide to Recognizing the Warning Signs.” Pay attention to your head in the heat, because lightheadedness or headaches are a common sign of dehydration. It’s also important to be wary of the effects of other nutrients on your hydration, so take a look at this thoughtful piece from LMNT: “Does sugar dehydrate you or help with hydration?” It can be helpful to take in some sugar while replenishing electrolytes, since glucose can enhance fluid and electrolyte absorption, but understand that sugary drinks are generally considered less effective for hydrating.

Minute 4: How to work out with your dog

One of the many joys of running for us is sharing a trail or road with our favorite four-legged running buddy. Our last lab would begin bouncing off the walls of the Jeep’s cargo area when he sensed we were getting close to our regular trailhead. Most breeds love getting active outdoors, and their enthusiasm and excitement can be infectious, motivating you to become even fitter yourself, according to: “So You Want to Work Out With Your Dog.” Just like bringing your human friend with you on a run or hike, it’s important to be sensitive to your dog’s abilities and needs. Some dogs will be in better shape right away, with endless energy for exercise. Others will get tired more quickly, and it’s your job to look for signs that you aren’t putting them in unsafe territory. A dog’s breed will have a major impact on its ability to run, so familiarize yourself with the “Best Dog Breeds for Running Companions.” Generally speaking, dogs with longer noses will have an easier time breathing, allowing them to run longer and faster. Some breeds are more suited to hiking, rather than running, and you can see a list of options in “Hiking With Dogs: 10 Breeds That Make Great Trail Partners.” The breeds that fall on both lists include the Weimaraner, Vizsla, German Shorthaired Pointer, and Rhodesian Ridgeback. Otherwise, the list of good running dogs include Dalmatians, English Springer Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, American Foxhounds, Salukis, and Belgian Malinois. As far as hiking dogs go, Siberian Huskies, Australian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Alaskan Malamutes, and Portuguese Water Dogs are among the most capable.

Minute 5: Quick Intervals

  • With all the progress we’ve made in health tracking technology recently, it can be hard to strike a balance between analytic and intuitive approaches to training. Information about your performance can be great, until there’s too much of it, and all that data gets confusing. With that in mind, you might be wondering, is VO2 max a worthwhile metric to measure? The answer will probably vary depending on your goals, and you can read “Should I worry about my VO2 max?” to decide for yourself.

  • We’ve talked about staying hydrated in the heat, but what about sleeping in it? You may know that our bodies need to drop in temperature to enter a deep sleep, and that poses a challenge for us in the summer months. By controlling your room temperature, selecting the right linens, and taking other measures, Polar tells you how to “Keep Your Cool and Learn to Sleep in the Heat.” You may want to consider this list of “The 11 Best Cooling Sheets of 2023, Tested and Reviewed.”

  • Testosterone is an important hormone for anyone living an active lifestyle, regardless of biological sex. Suboptimal testosterone levels in both males and females can cause disruptions in libido, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength. If you’re worried about your hormone levels, you may want to stock your kitchen with some of these “8 Foods That Can Help Boost Testosterone.”

Minute 6: Daily Inspiration

Up-and-coming running star @connor_burnsy has had quite the year so far. He broke the Men’s U.S. High School 5K record that stood for nearly two decades prior. Not only that, but he’s committed to run at the University of Oregon, following in the footsteps of previous record holder Galen Rupp. While awaiting the start of his collegiate career, Connor came up with a very unique way to entertain himself. In an absurd turn of events, he challenged himself to run a sub 5 minute mile through the aisles of a Wal-Mart, sharing the results on his TikTok account. Sadly, his finishing time was 1 second off the goal, but it sure was entertaining to watch him try. He just might have broken the record for world’s fastest shopper, too, and you can watch him take on the challenge in the video below.

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